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OPEA Community Days

Another successful OPEA Community Event just ended!

See slides and the video here.

OPEA’s mission is to offer validated enterprise-grade GenAI reference implementations, simplifying development and deployment thereby accelerating time-to-market and a realization of business value. 

This free community event is intended to iterate and expand upon the technical framework, review the roadmap, as well as be an opportunity to hear from the community on how we can come together to solve problems via the OPEA project. 

Video and slides of our May event are available on the wiki!



(All times shown in PDT)

9:00AM – 9:40AM – Overview of OPEA 0.7 – Malini Bhandaru, TSC Chair
9:40AM – 10:00AM – Update from Red Hat
10:00AM – 10:15AM – Break
10:15AM-10:45AM – Roadmap proposal and ratification – Zhiwei Zhang, Intel
10:45AM-11:15AM – OPEA Project Community Update – Rachel Roumeliotis, Intel
11:15AM – 11:30AM – Break
11:30AM – 12:45PM – OPEA Discussion – Moderated by Melissa McKay, JFrog
      *Topics to include but are not limited to: Partnership opportunities, OPEA’s possible role in the rise of compound AI systems, AI start-ups and others that are doing cool things, goals for 2024 and beyond



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